Green growing!
Maximize Carbon sequestration & Natural capital
Delve into the world of precision and sustainability as we unlock the secrets of plant development. Harness data-driven strategies for a greener, more resilient future. Explore with us as we nurture sustainable growth.
Insight into plant growth potential and forecasting
Plant growth models allow quantifying how plants (e.g. trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, agricultural crops) develop in interaction with their environment. Using climate, soil and other environmental data – these models can estimate the amount of aboveground and belowground biomass as well as the amount of carbon stored in individual plants and in groups of plants.
With the help of customized analytical scripts (coupled to Geographical Information Systems – GIS), the growth analysis can be automated and applied to a chosen region of interest at plot level or in larger areas like forests, farms and other types of land use systems. The models can be customized to estimate the potential growth of all kinds of species globally and to forecast the future growth potential of new areas.
Predicting the exact growth of plants is crucial for minimizing the risks of investing in new land-use projects such as forestry and agriculture. Accurate yield predictions will help land use stakeholders make informed economic and management decisions, which may reduce costs and time for them and lead to a better selection of species that can be used in a location.
Plant growth forecasting is a prelude for determining biomass production and carbon sequestration per tonne of crop or per hectare of land use system considered. Therefore, BioGrowth Development considers this as the key decision-support factor for the project’s implementation phase of many clients.
Monitoring of plant growth is a key factor in each stage of a land use project. Especially for carbon storage-related land use projects, continuous monitoring of the evolution of plant growth is a crucial factor for improving management to ensure continuous carbon sequestration in the soil and living biomass (plants).

For more information regarding our solutions and services for plant growth potential and forecasting please contact our experts.
Reference Projects
Business Development support for biobased, biomass, food and feed companies
Join Our Webinar on April 10th – 11 AM (Europe) Expanding into new markets presents both opportunities and challenges for companies in food, non-food, biomass, biobased, and agriculture sectors. Our specialized business analysis for expansion and innovation service empowers these companies to navigate diversification with data-driven insights and strategic guidance. Using different digital tools, we…
Join our “Value of digital tools for the development of global NBS projects” Webinar on March 6th:
Are you looking to deepen your understanding of the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) market and explore actionable opportunities in carbon credits? Don’t miss the “Value of digital tools for the development of global NBS projects” Webinar on March 6th, hosted by BioGrowth Development. This exclusive event will provide valuable insights into the NBS landscape, showcase a groundbreaking case…
Digital tools for business development of feedstocks for biobased value chains
Shifting from fossil alternatives to biobased alternatives in all industries has become a global priority. Where it concerns upcycling of existing by-products from common food and agro-industries or other biomass, the key to success is having relevant data to perform thorough research for creating qualitative business strategies. This is often a challenge for companies or…
Value of digital tools for the development of global NBS projects
Reliable impact projections – the key to successful management. Worldwide, there is a huge increase in the demand for high-quality nature-based solutions (NBS) through land use projects to combat climate change. Examples of such NBS land-use projects are: afforestation in degraded areas or implementing more sustainable agriculture practices with multiple activities (adding biochar to the…
The crowning glory of our work!
With due pride, we would like to inform you that from 1st July 2023, we will be situated at our new office in Breda! After many great years of working in Bergen op Zoom, at the iconic address ‘Boerenverdriet’ / ‘Farmer sadness’, we will be moving to Keizerstraat 13 in Breda. Moving office is necessary…
BioGrowth Development at ‘The future of bio-raw materials in the Netherlands’ event
We look back on a first successful Biomassafeiten theme day ‘The future of bio-raw materials in the Netherlands’, which was held on March 2 at the Green Chemistry Campus in Bergen op Zoom. The reason for this event was ‘Green Energy Day’, the day on which all green energy in the Netherlands is consumed. We…
Reforestation project of degraded area in Madagascar for Trees For All
Calculation of the potential carbon sequestration via reforestation for Trees For All
The 10th and 11th of November will be held in Requena (Valencia) the “IV Congreso Forestal de la Comunitat Valenciana” (“IV Forestry Congress of the Valencian Community”), organized by the Plataforma Forestal Valenciana, the AMUFOR, the Ayuntamiento de Requena, the Diputació de València, the Escuela de Viticultura y Enologia Félix Jiménez de Requena and the…
Cover crops and carbon credits
On September 29th, the seminar “Las cubiertas vegetales en el olivar como instrumento de la nueva PAC” (“Vegetable roofs in olive groves as an instrument of the new CAP”) – organized by the Agrupación de Sanidad Vegetal “Centro de España”, the Wageningen University and the governments of Holland and Castilla La Mancha – was held at the…
Carbon storage in the chain for woody biomass from the dry area of Rijkswaterstaat
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, DG Mobility, is investigating a possible role in the National Forest Strategy (LNV). One of the components of this exploration is more insight into the carbon storage that this possible contribution can make, both in the acreage and when used in products that remove the carbon from the…
Green chemistry from biomass
Discussions about the sustainability of woody biomass, which have been taking place in the Netherlands for some time now, are also increasingly making headlines elsewhere in Europe. Certainly when it comes to generating energy. With the increasing attention to green chemistry, the chemical sectors will also be affected sooner or later. This makes reliable certification…