december 7, 2022

Reforestation project of degraded area in Madagascar for Trees For All

Trees For All

One of BioGrowth Development’s partners is Trees for All, a charity that plants forests in the Netherlands and abroad for a better climate, more biodiversity and healthier living conditions for everyone. They plant new forests worldwide, restoring degraded forests and raising people’s awareness of the importance of trees.

BioGrowth Development gives support in projects of reforestation such as the reforestation project promoted by Trees For All and led by the Zazamalala Foundation in Madagascar with the aim to restore the heavily degraded landscape and to replant the original . The support, in this case, consisted of the calculation of a carbon curve that quantifies how many tons of carbon (or tons of CO2 equivalent) is captured per hectare in above-ground and underground biomass and what is the effect of reforestation in those kind or degraded landscapes.

Learn more about the project in the following slides, where you’ll find the most relevant information about it:



Do you work in resettlement or nature-based projects? At BioGrowth Development we’re always open to hear about new projects and partnerships!

Contact us, tell us a bit about your project and let’s work on it!